Opportunity 1 - The first article is Netflix: Coronavirus Cements The Company as Untouchable, the article describes how before the coronavirus the company was looking at some very tough competitors such as those of Disney Plus and the Apple streaming platform. But thanks to the virus the company has only solidified itself as the best streaming platform in the industry. I believe now more than ever it is time to invest in Netflix, as things will only look up for the company. I think that anyone who can read this article and do some basic research on how the companies stock has only increased during this pandemic can also come to the conclusion that this company is the biggest in the game.
Opportunity 2 - In the article Disney World to Reopen in Mid-July we take a look into the Disney parks in Florida. The company is set to open again in mid-July, this creates opportunities for jobs for the people who were laid off and those who are currently looking for jobs. This opportunity is very apparent and can be seen from a mile away. I think it will be a hard opportunity to exploit as there is a lot of demand for work right now so the competition will be high.
Opportunity 3 - In the article Executive order takes aim at social media companies, Donald Trump signed an executive order this week as the first-ever fact check appeared on his tweets, this also comes from the video of Geroge Floyd being wrongly arrested and murdered by the police. This is an opportunity for the people to fight back and not have their social media limited to what the government wants us to see or thinks is okay to be on there, yes the video is graphic but it is the sad truth in the times we live in, censoring that will only leave the American public even more in the blind. This opportunity is obvious and should be taken with outrage, we should not allow this to happen.
Opportunity 4 - The article States Are Reopening, But Many Americans Say They Aren’t Rushing Back To Normal Life, is the economy trying to reopen. Many states are now reopening and allowing businesses to operate in certain capacities allowing work to finally come back. This opportunity is apparent and slowly the American public will go back to going out and eating out. This opportunity of low demand should be the time to take advantage and invest in companies that have been affected by the virus.
Hey Jorge, you identified some great economic and regulatory trends here. For me, I relate to the last one as I still don’t feel ready going back to my normal day to day life even though a lot of restrictions are being lifted. I believe that this is a good time to invest in companies as well, but am scared of investing in a company that might end up actually going out of business due to the pandemic.