Friday, July 17, 2020

20A Growing Your Social Capital

1. Domain Expert - I came across Patrick on Instagram, I follow a couple apple developer accounts and stumbled across his account. Patrick has his own app development company and has worked on a few big named apps. The nature of our friendship stemmed from me sending him a personal message and suing bum questions on app development. I have very limited exposure and experience with app development so having someone like Patrick on my side to ask questions will only be beneficial to my company.

2. Market Expert - Next, I came across Mark at the Mercedes dealership when I was getting my car serviced. In our short conversation we talked about a wide range of topics. Mark works for a marketing company in Florida. Mark would be great for my company since he would be able to give me advice on marketing products and services in order to generate traffic to our app.

3 - Supplier Expert - Amy, I met at the same time that I met Mark. They are a couple and work for the same company. Although Amy is in charge of distribution of signs, posters, and etc. My product would. it require physical advertisement but she would help me convince Mark to help me out.

Reflect - I really like this assignment because it makes you target people who are actually in your industry. These people wether we knew it or not can help us out tremendously in expanding and growing our business quicker. I stand by your network is your net worth.


  1. Hey Jorge,
    Great job summarizing the interactions you had. I think your summaries show how focused you are as you are able to pull out and remember the key point that benefit you and answer the assignment questions. I agree that that was a cool assignment as it forced me to build meaningful and hopefully helpful connections.

  2. Hey Jorge, contacting strangers and asking about their business isn't easy, but you seem to have done a good job with it and I liked how your summaries were clear and concise. I'm glad you liked this assignment because for me it was pretty tough finding and deciding who I would contact, and I was worried that people wouldn't want to talk to me.

  3. Hey Jorge, contacting strangers and asking about their business isn't easy, but you seem to have done a good job with it and I liked how your summaries were clear and concise. I'm glad you liked this assignment because for me it was pretty tough finding and deciding who I would contact, and I was worried that people wouldn't want to talk to me.
